Its a bad habit of mine to leave things until the last minute... hehe
So here's the plan: Tomorrow i will be washing and ironing and packing like crazy and probably do a bit of cleaning as well. Then we have to drop Ruthie off at Grandma's house for a sleepover, then do the shopping for the fortnight for the 3 "adults" staying here :-p then probably come home and do a bit more packing. I'm a bit worried as to how i'll go with that seeing as half the stuff already in my suitcase is for Jesse, and i haven't even packed all of the stuff going to him either!!!
What a Spoily Spoil!!!!
Saturday i have to be up early to do a shift at work!!! Yay!!! I really am looking forward to it, but am also a bit worried as last week i got abused by cranky customers who made a mistake with their home loan and tried to blame it on me... Hello!!! i haven't been there for the last 3 months!!! Anyways, i had to put my cranky pants on and they left in a huff :-p
After that i guess i'll pick Ruthie up and put her to bed while i pack the last minute things like toothbrushes, etc.
Then hopefully Gerry will get home around 3pm, have a shower and we can leave canberra by 4pm to be in sydney hopefully by 7.30ish. Our plane leaves at 6.40am on Sunday morning, so i daresay that by the time we get to Townsville Ruthie and i will be walking around like zombies.
Here are a few photos that have been taken since i last blogged... all of Ruthie of course :-p
They're such clowns :-p