Monday, June 16, 2008

As I Promised...

Here is the video of Kairi....

And a little something we made Grandma for her Birthday

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Absence makes the Heart grow Fonder...

So, here i am back again after what??? 2-3 months :-p

But i think i said in my first post not to expect much!

My last post was done the night i went into labour and so i'm sure everyone (or the 2 people) that read this know i had the baby. A little girl called Kairi Esther.

So i'll put some pics up and try to post a video of her too.

So this is one of the first pics of my precious little bundle. Had to go to Special Care Nursery coz she was only 2.64Kgs.

And here she is out of the humidicrib with the feeding ube up her nose.

Here she is with her future husband (much to Gerry's dismay :-p)

Harrison Benjamin (?) who was born 2 days before Kairi.

One of the first of many beautiful smiles.

And one with big sister whom she adores and can't get enough of.

Now down to business... Carol tagged me so here goes...

5 things found in my bag:
1. Baby wipes
2. Nappies
3. My wallet
4. Lucas Papaw ointment
5. Lollies

5 favourite things in my craft room... i don't have a craft room, so i'll just use my house in general :-p
1. My photos... especially the ones that aren't up yet :-(
2. My OTP sister letters that Carol made me
3. My Donna Hay Simple Essentials cookbook
4. My computer
5. My new WiiFit game

5 things I have always wanted to do:
1. Adopt a little African baby boy
2. Go to Africa on a missions trip in an orphanage
3. Go to Disneyworld
4. Go and see family in Chile
5. Be rich enough that i can donate money without thinking twice

5 things I am currently into:
1. My WiiFit
2. My Girls
3. Shopping
4. Baking!!
5. My Friends

5 people I am tagging:
I don't know anyone who blogs so unfortunately i can't do this one... Sorry Carol!

Hope this was entertaining! for u!!

Peace Out!!!