Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just an Update

So, alot has happened since i was on here last.
Ruthie and i went to Mt Isa to visit Carol and Fam...
As you can see, it was a long drive from Townsville to Mt Isa.

The cousins spent alot of time together which more often than not, ended up in Carol or I going to break up a fight :-p

They probably behaved more like teenage siblings than cousins who rarely see eachother.

Ruthie was, for the first time in her life, allowed to go outside in her gumboots and splash in the puddles.

She was also introduced to the wildlife of Mt Isa right in Carol's backyard.

I had all (well, most of) myhair chopped off for more of a "Mum's" style, much to Lalo's dismay :-p

1 comment:

Carolina said...

Finally an update!!! And about time too LOL! Cute pics of course :)
Hope i see an update at least once a week now!