I finished work last week, (much to my manager's dismay) to get some well earned rest before baby comes, although, i think i have been working harder at home than i did at work :-p
On the weekend, my MIL and SIL, Kathy, came over to help me get the house ready for the pending arrival of Blob.
We totally fixed Ruthie's room and her books are now in a bookshelf instead of a tallboy drawer.
Most of the credit for that should go to Kathy as she pretty much put together the shelves on her own.
My MIL helped me out with stuff in the kitchen as well as my bedroom.
She started vacuuming but halfway through, the vacuum died! I'm hoping it was something faulty with the vacuum and not the fact that my bedroom was too dirty!!!
Ruthie stayed the night at Grandma's on Saturday so that Gerry and i could finish what needed to be done around the house.
We planned to be at the mall at 10am on sunday to return the vacuum, but without our little automatic alarm clock (Ruthie) we kinda slept in.
Nevertheless, we got EVERTHING done!
YAY!!!Blob's room is ready, the bassinette is in place and most of the housework is done.
So here's what i look like of late. Lalo has asked for a pic, so here it is... Alf was supposed to be a comparison type person but he decided to use his head instead!
He is so cute and totally looks like a little boy.
In case you weren't aware, Jimena and i have been pregnancy buddies throughout the last 8-9 months, comparing stories and sharing advice and dreams for our little babies.
I feel quite honoured that i was one of the first to find out little Harry was born.
I will start signing off now as it is nearly 10.30pm and i have a busy day tomorrow and really need my rest.
For those of you who DO know the date of my C-Section, please pray that all goes well and that i have peace about everything i have been worried about.
We took some photos last night of what may well be the last pics of us as a family of 3
1 comment:
Firstly congrats yourself *wink* secondly i told you should've packed YESTERDAY and thirdly i have no idea what the first part of your update says because it'm impossible to read so can you change the colour of the font anytime within the next six months :) Thanks, Love ya!
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