Thursday, November 27, 2008
Christmas is on the way...
So, these wishlists are mainly for our Secret Santa's but i'm sure that no one will knock back a gift from someone out of the family :p
FYI, just in case u don't already know, Carol (much to her dismay) & Lalo currently have no internet hence (did i use it right Juan??) i am putting their wishlists up for them :D
Lalo's Wishlist
*Putting the pieces together (6 dvd boxset feat Dr John Batten & Dr Tas Walker)
you can purchase this from
*JB HiFi voucher
*Rebel Sport Voucher
and i have also been told to inform you that...
*Socks and undies are always welcome... God knows he needs them LOL
Carol's Wishlist
*Spotlight Voucher
*room seventyseven voucher
you can purchase this by calling (07) 4743 7303, they will be more than happy to send it to u in time for Xmas.
*Lincraft voucher
*Frosted Latte Powder
This can be bought online at
Gerry's Wishlist
*Time Crisis 4 for PS3 with Guncon 3
(PS3 game with a gun)
*Gran Turismo 5 for PS3
*The Orange Box for PS3
*Short Sleeve Collared shirts (XL please, not M and not XXL)
and last but DEFINITELY not least...
My WishList... u ready?
*80+ cm LCD or Plasma tv so i can finally play my games! (Do u have me for S.S Daddy???)
*FM transmitter for my iPod
*Singstar for PS3 (and a willingness to play of course!)
*Voucher for Sunglass Hut (my sunnies had an unfortunate encounter with my butt... LOL)
These are only suggestions and as Juan said
"Even though we have these lists to help us out, the real fun comes from finding out more about our loved ones, and using that knowledge to give gifts of love. So go forth and become super-sleuths, find out about each other and use that information for good!"
Its always nice to receive a gift that has had thought put into it and that wasn't on your wishlist :p
So that's it from me for a while... probably until after Christmas so
Peace out....
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Latest News.....
Ok, Ok.... So i know i haven't updated in ages, but honestly, up until last week, nothing much had really happened.
So here's what happened last week... Most of you would know that at Ruthie's last check-up in Sydney, the doctor told us that she would need surgery.
So on Wednesday the 22nd October we headed up to Sydney... Gerry, Ruthie, Kairi, Ivy (My M.I.L) and I.
Thankfully, Gerry's Uncle Edgar and Aunty Ki live in the Blue Mountains and had offered us a place to stay. An offer we couldn't refuse and appreciate more than we can say!!! It was WAY better than a 5 star hotel! We had everything we needed and more and Ki fussed over us like a mother hen over her chicks! :p Thanx Ki!!!!
Anyways, that morning, Ivy had heard that it had been snowing in the Blue Mountains so Ruthie insisted she take her beanie and her sunnies for the drive
Okay, so we arrived and unpacked and got settled, etc then just hung out for a bit on the verandah taking in the beautiful views of the Blue Mountains.
So on Thursday morning we had a 5.30am start. Ruthie was the first appointment of the day (which was 9am, mind you), so we had to be up and out of the house by 7 in order to get there in time.
Ruthie had to fast from 7am so she was up at about 6.30 to have brekky and get ready.
So we left the house just after 7 and arrived at the hospital at about 8.30 (Praise God!!!)
Not sure how many of u have ever been to Westmead Children's Hospital but it is HUGE!!!! Definitely not what we're used to in Lil Ol' Canberra!!! And its not dreary or smelly like the hospitals here either lol
So we make our way up to the eye clinic and notice that in every area's waiting room, there's a toyroom just as big as the waiting room (if not bigger!) full of toys for all aged kids and a massive plasma tv with cartoons on all the time! Ruthie didn't know what to do with herself!
So we saw the doctor and he said the surgery would go ahead and to be at the Day Surgery unit at 12.30. It was only just after 9 at this stage so we had to find a way of entertaining ourselves and especially Ruthie... This hospital is so child oriented that it didn't take much for Ruthie to keep her mind off her hunger!
So, we wander around the hospital looking for something to do thinking "its a kids hospital! there has to be some entertaiment!" so we wander around the inside coz it was still quite cold outside and find the library, only to find it was closed till 10, so we wander and wander and sit and think and Ruthie's all "I'm hungry!"
So we decide to go outside and see this...
A massive Pirate ship!!! Big enough that me and Gerry could have a run around on it too :p
Then Ruthie and Gerry were making music on the tyre instrument thing... it had a name but i don't remember what it was :-s
Gerry found a cosy nook...
And Ruthie joined him soon enough...
Soon after we got cold and a bit bored and it was 10am so we went in to check out the library...
Eventually we got bored with that too and went to sit down and have a couple of games of Snap (courtesy Aunty Ki)
By the time we got bored with that it was time to go to Day Surgery...
Again, there was a big toy room but this one had a GameCube in there which Ruthie attempted to play but got frustrated with :p
So... we changed her into her pjs and the nurse came and took some obs, etc
After al that was over with they dressed me in the funny robe, hat and shoes that you have to wear when u go "behind the scenes" and off we went... Boba too of course.
Ruthie took the gas mask pretty well... mostly coz they promised her that she would eventually get to the pink Jelly Beans if she kept taking deep breaths lol
Then she was out and i was taken back to Gerry while they did their thing.
She was in there for about 2hrs. At one point, Gerry said to me "Isn't it amazing how time flew while she was in there?" I looked at him as if he was an animal i had never seen before!
It was the 2 longest hours of my life!!!
Then my Baby came out and was crying and writhing around in the cot... Needless to say it was probably one of the hardest things i've ever done is watch her like that... We tried to comfort her but she didn't want it... She kept screaming "MY EYES!!! MY EYES!! I CAN'T SEE!!!" Meanwhile, the tears she was crying were mixed with blood so it was quite a shock.
The doctors told us that the stitches in her eye felt like having sand in your eye... Not the best feeling...
He didn't want everyone to think he was a terrible father because he was taking pics of his little princess when she was in
But in his defence, it was also done for someone who requested "lots of photos..." :p
So Ruthie woke up after a while, hungry and thirsty (Remember she hadn't eaten since 7 and it was now 5.30pm)
So she had some water and when asked whether she would like a jelly or an iceblock, she replied "Both!"
She had a jelly and a glass of water but not the ice block coz we didn't want her to be sick... apparently you can
At one point she asked to go to the toilet and i simply forgot that she couldn't see and she was quite wobbly... there were a couple of close calls :p
The next couple of days were full of everyone in the house leading her around and spoiling her rotten!
It was fun to see the expression on her face when she was trying food and feeling things. Actually, the day after the surgery she still hadn't opened her eyes and i managed to catch a tiny little skink... she didn't want to open her eyes to look at it for fear of the pain but she put her finger out to pat it and unbeknownst to her... It BIT her!!! She didn't realize because she didn't see it lunge(is that the right word?) and because it was so tiny.
Aunty Ki also went out and got some things with different textures so that Ruthie coulds still enjoy stories... I think Storytime with Aunty Ki was her favourite thing in sydney!
The next couple of days, Ruthie walked around all day and night wearing sunnies coz it was too bright... even if she had her eyes closed!
But they also gave her the (false) confidence to open them when she thought no one could see :p
Not long after, she was back to normal.
I don't think i could be any prouder of my Boo... She even laughs when i put her eyedrops in... LOL
Now, please don't think we forgot our other baby...
Gerry and i have been wanting to buy a walker for Kairi for ages but never had time or never found what we were after but guess who finally got her new toy????
On a totally different note Ki has some lovely plants growing in her garden one of which was with us on the way home
(i did know its name, but have forgotten it right when i need it!!!)
I didn't really notice it until we were well out of sydney. i was looking at it and was in total amazement at God's creativity and Creation... There's not that much detail in this pic, but when u get a chance to have a look at one close up, do it! They are absolutely beautiful!
Anyways... sorry this post is so long but there were ppl that wanted to know all the details and it was easier to put it all on here than to put it on individual emails :p
Have a Great Day and God Bless...
Peace Out!!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Absence makes the Heart grow Fonder...
Now down to business... Carol tagged me so here goes...
5 things found in my bag:
1. Baby wipes
2. Nappies
3. My wallet
4. Lucas Papaw ointment
5. Lollies
5 favourite things in my craft room... i don't have a craft room, so i'll just use my house in general :-p
1. My photos... especially the ones that aren't up yet :-(
2. My OTP sister letters that Carol made me
3. My Donna Hay Simple Essentials cookbook
4. My computer
5. My new WiiFit game
5 things I have always wanted to do:
1. Adopt a little African baby boy
2. Go to Africa on a missions trip in an orphanage
3. Go to Disneyworld
4. Go and see family in Chile
5. Be rich enough that i can donate money without thinking twice
5 things I am currently into:
1. My WiiFit
2. My Girls
3. Shopping
4. Baking!!
5. My Friends
5 people I am tagging:
I don't know anyone who blogs so unfortunately i can't do this one... Sorry Carol!
Hope this was entertaining! for u!!
Peace Out!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
I finished work last week, (much to my manager's dismay) to get some well earned rest before baby comes, although, i think i have been working harder at home than i did at work :-p
On the weekend, my MIL and SIL, Kathy, came over to help me get the house ready for the pending arrival of Blob.
We totally fixed Ruthie's room and her books are now in a bookshelf instead of a tallboy drawer.
Most of the credit for that should go to Kathy as she pretty much put together the shelves on her own.
My MIL helped me out with stuff in the kitchen as well as my bedroom.
She started vacuuming but halfway through, the vacuum died! I'm hoping it was something faulty with the vacuum and not the fact that my bedroom was too dirty!!!
Ruthie stayed the night at Grandma's on Saturday so that Gerry and i could finish what needed to be done around the house.
We planned to be at the mall at 10am on sunday to return the vacuum, but without our little automatic alarm clock (Ruthie) we kinda slept in.
Nevertheless, we got EVERTHING done!
YAY!!!Blob's room is ready, the bassinette is in place and most of the housework is done.
So here's what i look like of late. Lalo has asked for a pic, so here it is... Alf was supposed to be a comparison type person but he decided to use his head instead!
He is so cute and totally looks like a little boy.
In case you weren't aware, Jimena and i have been pregnancy buddies throughout the last 8-9 months, comparing stories and sharing advice and dreams for our little babies.
I feel quite honoured that i was one of the first to find out little Harry was born.
I will start signing off now as it is nearly 10.30pm and i have a busy day tomorrow and really need my rest.
For those of you who DO know the date of my C-Section, please pray that all goes well and that i have peace about everything i have been worried about.
We took some photos last night of what may well be the last pics of us as a family of 3
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Just an Update
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I really should be packing...
Its a bad habit of mine to leave things until the last minute... hehe
So here's the plan: Tomorrow i will be washing and ironing and packing like crazy and probably do a bit of cleaning as well. Then we have to drop Ruthie off at Grandma's house for a sleepover, then do the shopping for the fortnight for the 3 "adults" staying here :-p then probably come home and do a bit more packing. I'm a bit worried as to how i'll go with that seeing as half the stuff already in my suitcase is for Jesse, and i haven't even packed all of the stuff going to him either!!!
What a Spoily Spoil!!!!
Saturday i have to be up early to do a shift at work!!! Yay!!! I really am looking forward to it, but am also a bit worried as last week i got abused by cranky customers who made a mistake with their home loan and tried to blame it on me... Hello!!! i haven't been there for the last 3 months!!! Anyways, i had to put my cranky pants on and they left in a huff :-p
After that i guess i'll pick Ruthie up and put her to bed while i pack the last minute things like toothbrushes, etc.
Then hopefully Gerry will get home around 3pm, have a shower and we can leave canberra by 4pm to be in sydney hopefully by 7.30ish. Our plane leaves at 6.40am on Sunday morning, so i daresay that by the time we get to Townsville Ruthie and i will be walking around like zombies.
Here are a few photos that have been taken since i last blogged... all of Ruthie of course :-p
They're such clowns :-p