Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Again, not much has been happening lately... Except that this blog is making me take more photos!
I'm getting a bit worried that i'm turning into Carol! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
LOL just kidding!
On Saturday, Axelito came over to hang out for a bit and was arguing with Ruthie over her headband.
I caught him unawares.....

I guess he just wanted to feel pretty for once... hehe

Sunday is usually cleaning day in the Abideen/Ojeda Household.
On Saturday, we had promised Ruthie that on Sunday, we would put her Dora the Explorer canopy thingy up after we cleaned her room.
She got it for her birthday in March, but only went into a bed in August, but then we had the Gonzo's come to stay so we couldn't put it up then etiher.
So after a shuffle around of her toys and vacuuming the room, up it went.
Needless to say she was so happy it was finally up! Now she actually looks forward to going to bed!

This morning i woke up at about 3.45am and i couldn't sleep. I was tossing and turning and all i could think about was............................... Get this............................................................................. COCO POPS!!!!!
I don't know why but i couldn't get it out of my head!!!
So up i get at 4.05am to eat a bowl of coco pops! I had a small Ruthie-sized bowl and i think i should have had a normal sized bowl because it still took me a while to get to sleep.
I emailed Gerry this morning to let him know of my interesting early morning snack and he called me straight away.
He could honestly not believe that i got up to eat a bowl of Coco Pops!
I personally don't see what's so strange about that, being that my night time sleep is the longest time i go without food.
On Sunday at Dad's house, we had barbecue and Axel and Sonia were telling me to stop eating and that i eat too much, but really, would you rather see me eat non-stop, or would you rather see me spew non-stop???
I prefer to eat!

On another note, Gerry mentioned to me that he might like to add a few blog entries every now and then, so don't be surprised if you see some stories about a used car yard!
Till next time..... Peace Out!!!


Carolina said...

I truly enjoyed this post, not that i haven't enjoyed the others but i TRULY enjoyed this post :)Keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

haha i realy do look pretty but then again when dont i???