Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pottering Along...

So, not much has happened of late...
Ruthie and i have just been pottering about the house not really doing anything in particular.
It has gotten to the point where i am getting very restless, which probably means i'm getting over my Hyperemesis!!!
I've been into work a couple of times, and would love to go back until we go for our trip to Mt Isa, but alas, who would look after Ruthie and besides, i can't exactly say
"i can come back for a month, but then i need a month off in november"
I am getting worried that soon i will be counting down the days till we go, and October is going sooooo slowly.
This time has reminded me of why i was itching to get back to work after having Ruthie.
All my friends work so there is no one to call up and say "Hey! I'm coming round for lunch!"
Luckily, Thursdays are Jimena's day off so that's where we will be probably every thursday from now on. Some sanity and conversation for me, and some sanity and playtime with other kids for Ruthie. Works all way round!!!
Yesterday, Gerry received a letter from Jesse!!!! As i'm the one that checks the mailbox, i saw it first. Usually, i just rip open Gerry's mail and decide whether its useful or not... (LOL that sounds terrible!) But seeing as it was addressed to Uncle Gerry , i thought i better not as i usually receive packages and stuff and he hardly ever does.
When he got home, I told him a letter came for him and he opened it.
I'm glad i didn't open it as i don't think i would have appreciated it as much as he did, being that it was a collage full of cars and boy things.
He tried to call to say thankyou, but there was no answer at the Gonzalez residence, so he left a message.
The following are some photos i have taken of Ruthie during the week....
Peace Out!!!

Ruthie being a hairdresser to her horse...

Pulling faces.... How attractive!

and wearing daddy's hat then saying "look mummy! Like Alfie!!!"


Carolina said...

You and Ruthie should seek out a playgroup to pass the time *wink*...Or maybe you shoudl just use up your scrap supplies!!!

Anonymous said...

lol!!! that picture of Ruthie is classic!!! :D